A quick search found that this error is usually associated with SELinux (I think Security Enhanced Linux, a sort of firewall installed on some versions of Linux, including Red Hat 5, if I understand it correctly).
The quick-test solution is to disable selinux using
setenforce 0 then seeing if it Java works. Then turn it back on using
setenforce 1. If that works for you then
you should find the SELinux configuration (some versions of Linux have a GUI configurator, and others do not). What you want to do is allow Text Relocation, so in the GUI look for something like "Allow the use of shared libraries with Text Relocation". Or, I think, you could use a command line to allow Text Relocation just for the jvm:
However, I am not an expert on this matter, I just did some quick research. Using the above command lines could cause security problems or might lead to the same problem on other scripts. So please research further yourself.