Originally posted by John Todd:
Well, check this :
<span wicket:id="message">Message goes here</span>
message is hard coded in Java code, what if you want to change it ?
Originally posted by John Todd:
Any way, What about integerating Spring with Wicket ?
How Wicket use "freindly URLs" since there are no configuration files ?
What about integerating with JEE security ?[/QOUTE]
What about it? Wicket's first class component model allows you to build per-component authorization. Wicket supplies an example role-based implementation for authentication and authorization using annotations. And yes, that requires configuration in the form of annotations.
At Topicus (my company) we have implemented our own JAAS enabled framework on top of the Wicket authorization and authentication interfaces. It allows a granularity of defining access to components and data in a way I haven't seen in other frameworks yet. This JAAS framework is not part of the Wicket distribution.
It seems hard to me how to use these stuffs with Wicket without config files !
Wicket isn't a replacement for other frameworks such as Hibernate, Spring, or log4j. Wicket doesn't need configuration files for itself, but that doesn't mean the other frameworks can live without them.
Why the focus on configuration files? Sure, Wicket doesn't need external configuration files for itself, but that isn't the strongest point of Wicket. It is the first thing new users notice, for sure. But Wicket isn't just about 'zero-configuration'. I have worked with Wicket for over a year now in commercial programming, and I don't notice the lack of configuration.
The way you build web applications using Wicket is its strong point. You get clean code, good separation of concerns and a superior component model, unlike anything out there.
What do you want to integrate with Spring? Auto-inject your DAO's into your pages?
Wicket doesn't need configuration files for itself, but that doesn't mean the other frameworks can live without them.
Originally posted by Gregg Bolinger:
One thing I often think of when looking at configuration files is this...How often do you really change something in a configuration file and not have to redeploy your web app? Especially during development. For me, it's never. So then one might argue that you can deploy without rebuilding. Well, I suppose that's true, but I use Ant. So the whole process is just a simple ant command.
For those that don't know Martijn Dashorst is one of the driving forces behind the Wicket Project. If you ever had questions about Wicket and how to effectively use it... this is your guy!
Martijn truly is the man when it comes to Wicket. If we all start using and asking more questions, maybe he'll want to stick around more.![]()
Originally posted by John Todd:
And I'm asking him if he find Wicket powerful since he is working with it more than year ? (Damn, I'm really silly)
Originally posted by Frank Silbermann:
Though Wicket's implementation uses some ideas taken from Tapestry, the only framework I know of which might have a similar style of programming is Echo.
Originally posted by John Todd:
Aaaa, I don't mean wicket:id , I mean message.
You hard-code the component name in your code then you refer to it in you HTML page.
Originally posted by Karthik Guru:
Does tapestry support stateful components and pages like wicket? If it doesn't then the only similarities are that they have swing-like components and work out plain html templates? How about echo? Is there any other framework that manages state/session like wicket?
Originally posted by John Todd:
But one drawback -I think- is you hard-code component's name in your Java code :
add(new Label("message", "Hello World!"));
What if you want to change component's name ?
but you don't actually need Spring
I love that Wicket supports Spring and someday
Originally posted by John Todd:
What are the applications that Wicket fits well ?
Is it suitable for high concurrent applications ?
Is it framework for mid-sized application or for large-sized ?
Originally posted by John Todd:
Why Wicket's API naming schema is -somehow- wierd (in Java, we told to use the domain name).
You know, com.wicket.ajax ....
Originally posted by John Todd:
Cool, we got another Wicket expert at the ranch (Hello Jonathan Locke).
Originally posted by John Todd:
Cool, we got another Wicket expert at the ranch (Hello Jonathan Locke).
What are the applications that Wicket fits well ?
Is it suitable for high concurrent applications ?
Is it framework for mid-sized application or for large-sized ?
Why Wicket's API naming schema is -somehow- wierd (in Java, we told to use the domain name).
You know, com.wicket.ajax ....
Thank You<br />Edward
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