From what I've heard (from a Spring adept ), EJB3.0 does indeed improve a lot compared to 2.X, but it is still pretty heavy. I hope Spring is going to get widespread.
Hi Satou, It seems that you are using Spring. I'm new to Spring and referring to the book - Spring In Action. I'm not able to run the samle code given in this book.
Can you please help me getting started with the same. We are looking forward to use Spring for a portlet based portal application.
Please suggest some good references - easy to follow as i'm a fresher.
As a Spring user I'd have to say that it's not really about "Spring vs EJB". So I'm not sure your question will ever be answered...
Spring is an application framework that covers a lot of turf that isn't EJB specific. So even if you are currently using EJB, I'd suggest you take a look at it.
In our system Spring dominates EJB indeed. It does that mainly by serving as a frontend to an EJB system, in which most or all calls to EJBs have to go through a Springmounted application layer.
Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry. A wrung this tiny ad and it was still dry.