Hi guys,
I just have uploaded my result for the step 2 of the exam on the Pearson Vue platform.
However when continuing the assignment exam in order to upload my result I did NOT come to the Upload page but saw the start page again.
Not really realizing what I did I agreed and continued and then came to the download page and just out of curiosity clicked the download link expecting my assignment "Quick Computer" there.
However there was another name "EarlyRetire.pdf" or so and NOT "QuickComputer.pdf" !!!
I closed the download dialog and did not download the pdf.
I went further in the process to the upload page and uploaded my result for "QuickComputer" (I have included my assignment as pdf it is linked on the index.html and can be opened by the examiner.)
But the downloaded PDF does not include any Test-ID proving that it is really my assignment.
I am not sure why this happens but it must clearly be a problem with the Pearson Vue platform not having persisted the status of my actions when I downloaded the "QuickComputer" assignment and paused the process.
Do they have a history record of user actions where one can trace the actions and prove what I downloaded in the first place?
I have uploaded and thereby finished the exam, but I am afraid that when going to the next step (step 3) the essay exam I am getting question for the other assignment
I did not even downloaded and that my result for QuickComputer where I invested around 40 h of work is directly rejected as failed.
The whole thing let me puzzeled.
What shall I do?
Has that happened to anyone of you before?
Any hint on how to proceed?
Many Thanks & Best Regards,
[Update 13. January 2013:]
I wrote a mail to the Pearson Vue
Test Takers support mailbox yesterday evening. Will see how this goes.