so the only logic is the private mapper method, i have 3 options for testing this which is better
1) make the method protected
2) make it a mapper class
3) spy on the variables sent to the diaryService.update method.
i suppose there is option 4, refactor the code to remove this whole problem, but I have no idea how that could be done.
how about an update entry builder with a buildFrom(DiaryEntry) method? You can test that pretty cleanly. I would start with a builder class that is package private in scope too.
Well, I guess there's also option 5:
- using PowerMockito, mock the constructor calls
- check the calls on the mocks
- call the private method via reflection
Option 6 comes to mind too: make the method package local, and access it that way in your test (given that your test is in the same package)
I recommend Junilu answer, remember if you're mocking private methods, there is something wrong with your design.
Secondly, if you're already stuck in legacy code base or don't want to touch/alter current code, try Mockito Argument Matcher on m_diaryService.update(update);, if you can mock m_diaryService.
I'm not talking about mocking, I'm talking about accessing. And I have been in the same situation - after having used "extract method" enough in your IDE to separate the different levels of abstraction.
I do, however, tend to agree with you in this case. The builder is the better option. The private method doesn't seem to contains something that's to be considered private to this class.
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