Hello all,
I have sar, ear and war files deployed in
JBoss 5.1 AS. After fixing some bug I want to give updated files to client in a patch.
testing purpose of patch deployment using jboss.patch.url variable I updated one logger message, created ear file containing changed file and all unchanged files and put it into patch folder created under ...\server\jboss-5.1.0.GA directory.
I am starting server by calling run.bat with "-c -Djboss.patch.url=file:/D:/release/server/jboss-5.1.0.GA/patch" option.
After server started I check log, it shows old message, that is patch does not got deployed. I also tried with giving ear file name while running run.bat file("-c -Djboss.patch.url=file:/D:/release/server/jboss-5.1.0.GA/patch/app.ear") but no success.
Please can someone put light on what is incorrect.
I also have few queries -
1. What should be conatin of patch folder, always jar or we can put ear/sar file into it?
2. Is patch ear should contain only updated class files with package structure as or it can contain other files which are not changed?
3. Is there any other jboss variable which can block patch deploment - restricting of usage of jboss.patch.url variable?
4. What should be patch location?
On internet and in JBoss documentaion I did not got enough information about patching, if anyone has any reference about this please provide it to me.
I have put above question at following link also.