you can do a mail on the email ID - "
[email protected]". explan the problem with screenshot.
They will create an incident for you with incident ID. You can use that ID to know the status.
I have sent a mail to the above ID and after 2 days i got the response mail saying
"Thank you for contacting Pearson Vue. With respect to your email, please be informed that an Incident report has been created for you with number XXXXXXXX and your issue has been forwarded to the IT Program Coordinator to address and advise accordingly. Please provide this number anytime you call us regarding this issue, in order to track the status of your incident and kindly allow 3-5 business days for your issue to be resolved. If you have further questions or inquiries, please contact us again via e-mail or call us on one of our toll numbers listed at
http://pearsonvue.com/contact/vuephone/ Thank you and have a beautiful day"
Hope this issue will get resolve early.
I also mailed to Oracle support and got Below response
"We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
We request you to kindly contact your Pearson VUE customer support team on this. You can obtain the appropriate number for your region by visiting www.pearsonvue.com/oracle/contact. They will be able to assist you to schedule the essay exam.
Feel free to get back to us if you face any issues to contact Pearson Vue customer support team and schedule the essay exam.
For further queries we request you to please raise a new Support request at
http://education.oracle.com/pls/eval-eddap-dcd/OU_SUPPORT_OCP.home?p_source=OCP. We will be happy to assist you.
OCP Team"
I think oracle does not have to do any thing with this issue.