Hello everybody.
I am building an application (slowy), the first page has a list of items, when you click on an item it goes to the second page to a details of that item.
I have a Spring Form (SimpleFormController) for the details page, it has its requried backing object, and displays the details quite nicely.
However I would like the details page to also display the list of items. Now I have tried this using the views model like so:
The only problem is, that once this code is in place, the formbacking object no long displays the item details.
JSP looks like:
<div id="left"> is basicly lifted from the item list page, and isnt part of the form, I dont think it should be part of the form either.
So what am I doing wrong? I think it is because I am creating a model, that overwrites the model created by Object formBackingObject(HttpServletRequest request), but I cant see another mothed that would allow me to do what I wish, which is to add an object to the model without destorying the formbacking part of teh controller.
Is there a good/recommanded/"bible" book on creating Spring MVC applications?