I'll be talking up OCJP 1z0-851 exam at the end of this month. I'm preparing for it by using the book Kathy Seirra, but I think this was originally meant for exam 310-065. I heard that there will be no drag-and-drop questions on 1z0-851 and also there are no questions on serialization. Can anybody please tell me what all topics we don't have to study for 1z0-851? Thanks.
No serialization, no wait/notify for thread (as I remember), but not sure... because you may get a legacy version of the IZ0-851 exam.
Not much about OO design like cohesion and coupling because these design principles are too subjective.
Inner class may be in the exam even though the book says it is not in the official objective.
My tip : study to whole book just in case you get some legacy set of questions.
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