A developer is writing a Web service method that needs to accept multiple types of requests.
Based on the request's content, the service performs time-consuming steps, such as verifying the
user's account, checking credit ratings, and building a list of offers. Which two approaches are
appropriate to use in this situation? (Choose two.)
A. A synchronous, document-style approach.
B. A synchronous, procedure-style approach.
C. An asynchronous, document-style approach.
D. An asynchronous, procedure-style approach.
F. SMTP or other asynchronous protocol.
Answer: C,F
My doubt is:
Why D is incorrect?
When I answered this question a year ago, I was not familiar with asynchronous web services.
Since I have already gained some knowledge about asynchronous services, I think C,D(maybe?),E,F are possible.
1. Asynchronous services means two one-ways request/response. The client sends a request and won't wait for the response. The service callback the client when the result is ready.
2. The question mentions "multiple types of requests", but it may necessarily mean objects ? It may mean primitives (int, double, float) and
String as the method parameters? RPC style may be right ?
3. It does not matter what protocols we are using, HTTP/HTTPS/SMTP and etc because we can refactor a synchronous service into asynchronous services (two one-way request/response).
Any comments?