posted 11 years ago
So here's four pages of code for you..
1. In this page, the user enters his correct ID, question and answer (that he provided during registration)
This is forgot.jsp, that accepts the ID, Question and answer
If the entered information was true, then it redirects to this page
The user enters his new password, and the update statement is in jason.jsp, which is
So, here's my intention behind it all, after the user enters the correct, ID, question and answer, the user is redirected to a page where he enters, his new password, the new password is then stored in the "LOGIN" table to the correspoding ID correctly. Thus giving the user a new password to be able to log in.
So, there's all my code... The update doesn't work for me, any help would be appreciated. I'm guessing that there's something wrong with either page "newpassword" or "jason", what I'm assuming is that by the time I get to "jason.jsp", the parameter "id", which was entered in the first page is lost, and the update statment "Where=?" fails because of it. Any help would be appreciated, I know this is long...