Hi Stuart,
please check that in your web.xml you have defined your location of spring config file as
but below you have defined location of your config file as /WEB-INF/dispatch-context.xml which is different.
see your earlier post their you did it perfectly compare it with that.
basically the flow is :
check out the server log when you start up the server. the moment server is started it loads the dispatcher
servlet because load-on-startup=1.
if you don't define any special place for config file then default convention is it search for a file named :
dispatcher servlet name in web.xml + -servlet.xml
so you have to put that named file in WEB-INF folder.
otherwise if you have defined any location explicitely like in your application you have done, then you have to make sure you are putting same named file in defined location so that spring container can find the config xml.
Then spring parse the config xml and find base package name like: <context:component-scan base-package="skincare.web"/>
based on your package name spring scan all classes under that package to find all mapping related stuff.
check the log it prints all details of the scanned classes like you class with @controller annotation.
and all above flow happens just when you strat up the server before hitting any url.
Hope it helps you