OK, I'm having a very similar problem -- maybe the same problem. This time I'm using the spring tool suite version 3.2.0.RELEASE.
So turned on Windows Media Player to play the local radio station just to prove that I am connected continuously.
So I have a spring tool suite (STS -- some fancy enhancements to eclipse) project called PropertyGoalSetter. I have a version of the project that implements a minimal CRUD (create-read-update-delete) GUI for many-to-many relationship between class Usr and Project that resides on MSSQLServer. This project is in a directory called PropertyGoalSetterWorks because it seems to work. I just checked it and yes it still works.
Then I copy the contents of this directory to PropertyGoalSetter and use roo to execute the "security setup" command and then (following the examples in Configuring Security right out of the book "Spring Roo in Action") I add a principle class, authority class and a junction class for principle and authority. Then I use the "web mvc scaffold" to create the CRUD GUI for these new classes and the junction table.
Now I compile this I'm seeing a lot of errors from spring tool suite from the markers tab. It seems it cannot find any of my dependencies... So I tried my old trick again and it did not seem to help:
mvn -DgroupId=org.springframework.security -DartifactId=spring-security-core -Dversion=3.1.0.RELEASE dependency:get -DrepoUrl=http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/
mvn -DgroupId=org.springframework.security -DartifactId=spring-security-web -Dversion=3.1.0.RELEASE dependency:get -DrepoUrl=http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/
mvn -DgroupId=org.springframework.security -DartifactId=spring-security-taglibs -Dversion=3.1.0.RELEASE dependency:get -DrepoUrl=http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/
mvn -DgroupId=org.springframework.security -DartifactId=spring-security-config -Dversion=3.1.0.RELEASE dependency:get -DrepoUrl=http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/
So I try the suggestion and click "maven|update project.. " and update the project. This does not help. I try "clean" and see sts rebuild....
So now I get out the command prompt and switch to my new "PropertyGoalSetter" directory and type
mvn jetty:run
and now (after waiting for a long time while maven downloads the missing jars) it works when I point my google chome browser at
http://localhost:8080/PropertyGoalSetter! What is going on? First I had this problem with plain eclipse Juno Service Release 1 (as I described in the original posting) with a plain old spring mvc servlet (and fixed it with the manual mvn commands) and now suddenly I'm having the problem with the STS version of eclipse in the PropertyGoalSetter directory (but not in the PropertyGoalSetterWorks directory).
Ah! Now I just tried the "maven | update project" I see a little check box "force Update of Snapshots/Releases". I did I check that before? I don't remember! Well I check it now and this fixes it and seems to be working from STS (eclipse) again...
I know I had internet connectivity the entire time because I've been listening to NPR on kuow. I wonder if the repositories could be going up and down?
It is hard enough trying to learn Spring and ROO with out having to deal with this nonsense! Thanks for the suggestions!
I'm going nuts!