>>1. Struts 1.x + Hibernate
>>2. Struts 2.x + Spring + Hibernate
>>3. Spring MVC + Spring + Hibernate
>>4. Adobe Flex + Spring
>>5. JSF + Spring
>>6. DWR + Spring
Eventhough, I don't think you are comparing the right options in your list, but any way, forget about option number 1. It is obselete.
If you need RIA requirements in your application go with Flex + Spring etc.
If you just need to implement RWA (Ajax with DHTML)
You could definetely use DWR with Spring MVC and/or Struts 1/2 without any problem. But you need to hand code DHTML your self or you could use a gadget library such as YUI/GWT/DOJO or you could use a robust framework like TIBCO GI.
If you can deploy your application in
Java 5 app server, consider using
JBoss Seam (JSF + EJB3) if not, you could consider using JSF and Spring with some JSF open source library like jsf4jajax etc.