Originally posted by Roger Marin:
Does your book cover examples of using a widget framework of something similar with wicket? are there any good widget libraries or frameworks available for wicket anyways? perhaps something like GWT-EXT?
Due to space/time constraints we were unable to include such examples. Added to that the problems of quickly changing popularity (e.g. EXT-JS is not
that popular anymore since the recent license change). There is always one or another framework du jour that has to be included, and different people like different toolkits.
There are a lot of folks that really like dojo. I'm not one of them. Others swear by JQuery, and yet others think YUI is 733T. The JavaScript library space is as fragmented as the
Java web framework space, so we didn't want to single out one particular library.
The book
does cover how you can create rich components yourself. We show how you can include some Javascript library in your Wicket component and quickly make rich components that way.
If you still need more information, please check out the
Wicket Stuff repository for integration libraries with all the major JavaScript libraries, and even some specific ones.
[ May 23, 2008: Message edited by: Martijn Dashorst ]
[gdb - fixed the link]
[ May 23, 2008: Message edited by: Gregg Bolinger ]