there are "millions" of ordinary PHP web developers out, but just "thousands" of very-good Perl programmers.
So if you are an "ordinary" programmer, with little experience and skills, maybe fresh from highschool, college / university, you MIGHT get a badly paid web designer job if you can do the "job" ( creating a website application,.. ) with PHP,
and become better-paid expert after some years,
but you won´t get one of the few jobs for "urgendly wanted" Perl programmers.
There are no learning-curve jobs for Perl programmers.
Python is an in-between,
on one hand, Python had a little community as Perl,
you might to the same with Python than with Perl,
but in the last 2 years, Python was #1 as first programming language at US unversities and especially free MOOC online courses ( I passed such a free course at Coursera, it was GREAT ).
The number of website projects is VERY limited,
but there is a life in the ( German ) automotive industry as
test and script language for HIL systems - so the #1 language to communciate with CAN-bus drivers on a Windows PC.
And on Raspberry Pi microcontrollers with Linux, it is the #1.
There are no learning-curve jobs for Python programmers, if there are any at all.
Java and C# are standards, on its own business fields.
Now the message:
The whole Perl education changed in the last 2 years, with the movement of "Modern Perl" and true object oriented Perl, especially the rising of object oriented programming based on the MOOSE and MOO modules
Please go to this website
I met the owner personally, he is a true Perl expert from my town.
So just read the books and tutorials he recomends, as these teach NEW STYLE of "Modern Perl".
Among his recommendations there is one to-be-paid-book
Beginning Perl
by Curtis Poe
- you might even read that for free at Archive.org :-) -,
but the rest of the recommended documents is free,
especially the PDF book
Modern Perl
See details about Perl on my link webpage
Btw, I concentrate on Python, but have a look at Perl too.
Though I am such an "ordinary" guy too, with little true work experience in programming. But I don´t wanna go into competition with "millons" of ordinary PHP guys...