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"Start writing a new chapter, for if you live by the book you'll never make history." (Ben Sobel)
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"Your life is in your hands, to make of it what you choose."
pham thanh tung wrote:Ah, thank you. Current i have a problem, with complex query statement so what i can handler? I want join multi-table, or multi-param for multi-condition.
pham thanh tung wrote:Ah, thank you. Current i have a problem, with complex query statement so what i can handler? I want join multi-table, or multi-param for multi-condition.
"Your life is in your hands, to make of it what you choose."
Mark Spritzler wrote:
pham thanh tung wrote:Ah, thank you. Current i have a problem, with complex query statement so what i can handler? I want join multi-table, or multi-param for multi-condition.
That is an SQL question, not a Spring question.
Independent Programmer - Technology Enthusiast - JUG Leader from JUG Joglosemar
Nitin Gaur wrote:Came across this thread while searching JDBC vs JPA discussions.
I have batch application that fetches customer data (from multple tables), get it processed from an external app, stores the results back in same database (different set of tables). This batch has to run for around 100 thousand (100,000) customers.
We thought to use JPA with openJPA (sorry no hibernate) though no solid reason but it is proving to be slower than expected. Now, conteplating to switch to JDBC. Have not done JDBC test yet but inviting point of view if it is right approach?
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