Saying YES to one thing, we are automatically saying NO to something else.
Saying YES to one thing, we are automatically saying NO to something else.
Enthuware - Best Mock Exams and Questions for Oracle Java Certifications
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Champions aren´t made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them - a DESIRE, a DREAM, a VISION
Champions aren´t made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them - a DESIRE, a DREAM, a VISION
Jhonson Fernando
Java Training Consultant for EPractize Labs Software
Sivanaresh Reddy wrote:Congratulations for passing the exam.
What editor was used while writing the code and compiling the programs?
SCJP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4 - Hints for you, Certified Scrum Master
Did a rm -R / to find out that I lost my entire Linux installation!
Oracle certified JPA Developer (1Z0-898),Oracle certified Java 8 Programmer I (1Z0-808), Oracle Java Web Service Developer (1z0-897), Oracle certified Java 7 Programmer, SCJA 1.0, SCJP 5.0, SCWCD 5.0, Oracle SQL Fundamentals I, CIW Certified Ecommerce specialist
Hey man
I m close to your context when you started learning Java expect that i have absolutely no programming experience but good computer background - i know linux;windows (administrator level) and mysql (i work as a QA engineer) and i m looking for some advice from you :
1. Any advice you can give me from your xp considering we were in similar situations
2. I have an good idea of what books i need for the certification but before that i need some introduction in java/programming (preferably with more examples and less theory) , can you recommend some materials to sharp my teeth ? (i estimate about 2+ months time spent unrelated to OCAJP7 , just learning java fundamentals /programming) :
At the moment i have 3 books in mind for the start ,any seems like a good start and i ll probably use one or two of them but i wanted to ask people that actually did this in the part what they think
The Art and Science of Java Here
Introduction to Programming in Java: An Interdisciplinary Approach Here
Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version, Student Value (9th Edition) Here
3. I m also interested in the time you needed from when you started to the point you passed OCAJP7 , can you give an estimation in hours /days , an estimation but in days and average hours spent each day ? I made an estimation(hope realistic) i would need about 5 months with 5 h effort every day of the week(i plan to take a sabbatical leave from work for 5 months) .My current path is undecided book/books as a introduction to java(2.5 months) ->SCJP 6 Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates book (1 month) -> Mala Gupta book (1month) with Enthuware when i start to feel confident.
Thanks in advance !
Saying YES to one thing, we are automatically saying NO to something else.
Oracle certified JPA Developer (1Z0-898),Oracle certified Java 8 Programmer I (1Z0-808), Oracle Java Web Service Developer (1z0-897), Oracle certified Java 7 Programmer, SCJA 1.0, SCJP 5.0, SCWCD 5.0, Oracle SQL Fundamentals I, CIW Certified Ecommerce specialist
Shadin mcdonalds wrote:Hi everyone,
I've been studying for 803 and have plan to take the test 2 months later, now I'd like to take some mock tests to evaluate myself just need a suggestion on which mock tests are better and closer to official test.
please give me advice .
Thank you
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