posted 11 years ago
I couldn't find an example of a tree created in FXML using scene builder with proper event handling.
Here's what I am trying to do:
I have created a TreeView using SceneBuilder and want the Tree to display the FileSystem.
I have a controller for this FXML where in the initialize method I am initializing the tree (systemTree) via the following code :
Obviously, I have a custom TreeItem class :
Now here's the problem I am facing:
The tree displays the FileSystem root as a treenode but it does not calls the event handler for the node.
There seems to be some link missing between the FilePathTreeItem and the Tree Node because of which it does not calls the handler method of FilePathTreeItem.
I just can't figure out how to link a mouse click/dblclick event on a tree node via the TreeView to the handler of that FilePathTreeItem.
Can someone please just post a simple Tree example with node event handlers via FXML?
Thanks & Regards,