I am starting a new project, and am trying to decide on what framework to use. Most of my experience is with Struts implementations. However, I am reluctant to start a new project on an old technology.
Your first step should be to identify what is required. What is the project based on? Learning "what" will make deciding "how" much easier. Struts is only a framework for the presentation component of an application. Your focus at this point should be defining the business requirements of the application. And then, defining the presentation requirements.
If you have Struts programming experience, then
you should stay with it. However, if you have time to study and learn, integrating Struts2 and
Java Server Faces should be a good learning experience. Either way, there is a lot of learning, new tag libraries, etc. This can distract you and take up your time making you neglect the real important aspects of building the business application component.
Business logic should be implemented with either POJO or Enterprise JavaBeans.
[ October 10, 2008: Message edited by: James Clark ]