Good day,
I'm working on implementation of an external vendor API, which is in fact an
EJB service and package into an .ear file.
the idea is first we call to API manager, and then use the method which return a list of object, the object is belong to API proprietary object (ie:Status object).
What have been done so far, i managed to get the API manager which is not null, and the manager return a list, however it seem return me a list in different object type, as mentioned below, we expecting "Status" object but it return StatusImpl.
the API manager which is local session bean give the correct result if using stateless bean to implement the method of it, but not the case if we use Spring to do it.
Appreciated anyone can shed some light on this, what is wrong and how can i handle it ? Thanks a lot!
Below is the exception:
servlet springDispatcherServlet threw exception
java.lang.ClassCastException: com.hp.api.schoolclass.StatusImpl cannot be cast to com.api.schoolclass.Status
Below code managed to get the API manager
Below is how my own manager to call the API method