I am using the Oracle jdbc driver and I am having some issues where connections are not being released. I am making sure that the close is being called in a finally clause. I am calling the datasource.getConnection() in a static class. Does anyone know what could be causing the the connections to max out in oracle?
Is it possible those are idle connections? Oracle doesn't "empty" the pool unless you set a preferred pool size parameter. The idea is that once a connection is sued, it stays in the pool available to others.
I thought that at first, but then the application starts not being able to connect to oracle once the oracle sessions get too high. We keep raising the connection max parameter, but they just fill up and once they fill up I get unable to connect exceptions. I have the max parameter set to default initially. I incremented it 50 each time a changed it. I am at 350 currently.
I am making sure that the close is being called in a finally clause.
I'd check this one again. Make sure that the finally clause is always completed - that is, that any exception raised in the finally clause itself is properly handled, otherwise the finally clause might not run completely.