Hello ,
I have a simple program in eclipse which i tried to call a resource reference that I have created in web.xml file; but it gave me an error saying that it could not create a resource instance at this line of the code in the
servlet listener
mgr = (TimerManager) itx.lookup("java:comp/env/timerRef");
My question is that I did not know why it gave such error since the program only tried to look up for a resource reference NOT creating it. The error simply did not make sense.
If you know what happening , please let me know.
Thanks so much in advance!!
my web.xml
My MyServletContextListener tried to look for the resource ref in the web.xml ; but i got a run time exception error saying "can not create resource instance" . The error points to this line of the code "mgr = (TimerManager) itx.lookup("java:comp/env/timerRef");"
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