In this exercise, you'll create an Invoice class and construct objects from it as you conver the Invoice application to an object-oriented application.
1. Open the InvoiceApp and Validator classes in the directory. This is yet another version of the Invoice application. Then, compile and run the classes to see how this application works.
2.include two private fields for customer type and subtotal entered by user.
Include single constructor that accepts the customer type and subtotal as parameters.
include get method that returns the subtotal as a double value and a get methods that calculate and return double values for the discount percent, discount amount and total.
Include get methods that return formatted
string values for the subtotal, discount percent, discount amount and total. These methods should call the other get methods to get the values to be formatted.
Include a get method that returns a string that contains the full name for a customer type.
3. Modify the code in the InvoiceApp classes so it creates an Invoice object and uses its getInvoice method to get the formatted data fro invoice. That should simplify this class considerably. Then compile and
test this class to make sure that this application works the way it did in step 1.
I'm pretty sure I got most of this. I can't figure out why my if and else if statements are wrong.
What I've come up with
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am totally lost.