Hi All,
I am trying to use an normal loading.gif in one of my
jsp page when the page is submitted for a request.
Functionally here in my project,when the page is submitted it connects to an analytical tool called "R tool" performs the analycis and data is set in mysql. once the data is saved i am retriving and presenting in another jsp page.
In between this process of jsp from
java on form submission to call "R tool" ,Inserting the data in mysql, i am working on using the loading image while the connection and insertion is done in behin process from couple of days. however when i inserted the loading.gif the loading is not working properly , infact the image is not rotating at all.it is showing as static image and the rotations are not done.
I found out that only when the loop/control is within the same jsp/java or request from one jsp page to another jsp the loading image is working ..
please let me know how can i acheive this loading.gif to work when we connect to different tools etc.
All suggestion are welcomed and appreciated.