Myke Enriq wrote:
2) a lot of new programmers are trained every year
If you do not want to end up in a situation where you start from 0 learning some new language, competing with some teenager that only wants a fifth of your pay check... do something today.
That is indeed mean
.some snob and ignorant fool of a programmer
Myke Enriq wrote:
We need to find a way to make Java very competitive and the #1 choice in developing an application.
Myke Enriq wrote:
Otherwise in the following years many of us will lose their jobs.
Tim Driven Development | Test until the fear goes away
Maneesh Godbole wrote:1)
2) As you found out in your other related topic, thats not really true
No Kaustubh No Fun, Know Kaustubh Know Fun..
Chan Ag wrote:I disagree that every new engineer is that bright. And for the ones who are that bright, Java's decline is not that significant a factor as to why they'd earn a better/equivalent pay-check. They'd earn it anyway.
Myke Enriq wrote:
1) other languages are competing with it for the same market - and they are winning
We need to find a way to make Java very competitive and the #1 choice in developing an application
Otherwise in the following years many of us will lose their jobs.
What can we do to make Java more popular ?
Tim Cooke wrote:I get that we're in the Meaningless Drivel forum so 'all bets are off' with respect to the normal rules ...
Tim Cooke wrote:... but I think a bit of civility wouldn't go amiss.
Bear Bibeault wrote:If all you know is Java, get off your butt and familiarize yourself with more languages.
Pat Farrell wrote:
Bear Bibeault wrote:If all you know is Java, get off your butt and familiarize yourself with more languages.
In the spirit of being helpful, if all you know is Java, I say do as @bear says, and learn at least:
1) JavaScript
2) php
3) python
Not necessarily in that order.
chris webster wrote:YMMV of course, so if you want to stay with Java come hell or high water, good luck to you.
Pat Farrell wrote:
Bear Bibeault wrote:If all you know is Java, get off your butt and familiarize yourself with more languages.
In the spirit of being helpful, if all you know is Java, I say do as @bear says, and learn at least:
1) JavaScript
2) php
3) python
Not necessarily in that order.
Hussein Baghdadi wrote:If all what some one knows is Java then learning JS, PHP or Python isn't going to expand his/her horizon.
Hussein Baghdadi wrote:If all what some one knows is Java then learning JS, PHP or Python isn't going to expand his/her horizon.
Scala or Haskell is a must due the typing system. Lisp due its unique nature. Erlang/Elixir due its (let is crash) design philosophy.
Ruby is a good balance though (metaprogramming capabilities, easy to learn and understand, a lot of jobs).
Bear Bibeault wrote:
Hussein Baghdadi wrote:If all what some one knows is Java then learning JS, PHP or Python isn't going to expand his/her horizon.
Scala or Haskell is a must due the typing system. Lisp due its unique nature. Erlang/Elixir due its (let is crash) design philosophy.
Ruby is a good balance though (metaprogramming capabilities, easy to learn and understand, a lot of jobs).
Disagree; and I strongly disagree that any one language is a "must".
Knowing any other language, even if it's similar to Java, is a huge leap from knowing one language only.
And I don't know any of Haskell or Erlang or Elixir or Ruby. I know a little Scala.
Any of those would be worthwhile to study, but so are any on Pat's list*. There are no "musts".
* And Pat's list contains languages that are actually being widely used.
Ulf Dittmer wrote:
While I have no idea what is supposed to be unrealistic about being proficient at several languages -I know many more developers that are proficient in more than one language than I do know developers than only know and use a single one- it is of course your prerogative to believe so. Luckily, there's an easy way to find out: just wait for 20 years, and let's see who has had a good career, and who hasn't.
Henry Wong wrote:
Agreed. What's unrealistic about being proficient at several languages? It is not like a natural language, where there are thousands of words to memorize. It's a dozen keywords (which most are similar). It is a language syntax. It is a library (which most are similar). The hard part is probably memorizing the "best practices", so that you can deal with the quirks of the language, and be able to communicate well with your fellow developers.
Jayesh A Lalwani wrote: It's easy to move between C, C++, Java, Javascript. But going from Java to Scala is a much bigger change.
Myke Enriq wrote:It seems to me like most of you just learn Java , do not intend to contribute anything to it
and when it becomes challenged by other languages , you just move to the next one.
And you believe this makes you better programmers.
you have the option to contribute and to improve java , yet you sit on your butts
because you do not want to improve the world you are living in.
It is sad because you are not thinking about your future lowered pay check.
It is sad because you do not have an efficient plan of where you want to be in 5 years.
If you can afford to work for half (even less) the pay at some point in the future , well I can not.
So if you are mature enough to have actually though about this issue before , please post some solutions if you found some.
non realistic phantasies like "a programmer that only knows Java is a carpenter that only knows how to use a hammer".
Keep lying to yourselves and see where that gets you.
Because the lay offs and the pay cuts are coming , no matter how much you wish otherwise.
No more Blub for me, thank you, Vicar.
Myke Enriq wrote:If you can afford to work for half (even less) the pay at some point in the future ...
No more Blub for me, thank you, Vicar.
Pat Farrell wrote:
Actually, I found that going to JavaScript was a huge change. JavaScript is much more "functional" that Java or C++. I think programming in Javascript using Java style is both (1) bad JS and (2) missing the power of JS.
Myke Enriq wrote:when it becomes challenged by other languages , you just move to the next one.
Myke Enriq wrote:- if each year 1 million new programmers finish college , and it will take them 2 years before they will be able to do your job, then this also means that each year 1 million new people that can do your job are competing with you;