you hava to download "commons-dbcp-1.1.jar,commons-pool-1.1.jar,struts-legacy.jar" and copy those files to your "web-inf"!
good lucky!
Originally posted by Jason Vogel:
I'm trying to define the following datasource in struts-config. I'm obviously doing something wrong because I get a "servlet action is currently available" after adding to the config (which worked before the addition).
<set-property property="key" value="OracleDataSource"/>
<set-property property="autoCommit" value="false"/>
<set-property property="description" value="OracleDatasource"/>
<set-property property="driverClass" value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"/>
<set-property property="maxCount" value="4"/>
<set-property property="minCount" value="2"/>
<set-property property="password" value="test"/>
<set-property property="user" value="jvogel"/>
<set-property property="url" value="jdbc racle:thin:@ RCL"/>
Any thoughts, Jason