Hi All,
I'm new here, and to
java apps.
I have JForums installed in production environment. It is installed in
Tomcat 7.
In the GlobalConfig.properties i have this :
# #######
# #######
ldap.security.protocol =
ldap.authentication = simple
ldap.factory = com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory
ldap.principal = CN=<A user in ldap>,OU=A,OU=B,DC=corp,DC=domain,DC=co,DC=id
ldap.credentials = the above user's password
ldap.server.url =
ldap.field.email = mail
ldap.field.username = sAMAccountName
ldap.search.root = CN=<A user group's CN>OU=C,OU=D,DC=corp,DC=domain,DC=co,DC=id
ldap.principal = CN=<A user gorup's CN>
The LDAPAuthtenticator.class is attached.
The problem is when user is trying to log in it returns :
Using the same class, this doesn't happen in my local
testing environment, staging, and dev. Only prod.
What could be the problem here?