1)i have a table "maintable"
2)inside "maintable" i have 3 rows calles "row1" "row2" "row3".
3)in "row1" i have [+] and[-] button to add and delete respectively, when i click [+] "row1" "row2" "row3" should add at once, and same for [-] to delete.
4) and also i have "Address Seq Num " in "row1" the value of this should be 1,2,3..like serial number for the sucessive additon of rows.
5)and in "row3" i have table called "innertable" ,inside this it has body called "innerbody" inside this it has a row called "innerrow" this "innerrow also had [+][-] buttons.
6)this "innerrow" should be added when [+] is clicked and shluld be deleted when [-] button clicked.
please help me..i'm strucked in this...