Hi there !
I�m using
Struts and need a free report generator in my project. After having searched for a good option , I�ve chosen JasperReports.
In fact I consider the report to be a view tier for me ... so I need to populate the beans and objects in general for using them in the report. I expected being able to iterate objects and print them the same way you do in a .jsp page ... or a Velocity template, but , surprisingly , it seems to be impossible for JasperReports, to get the objects and render them in the .xml ... Instead I need to define the query I have to use to get the data I need...
Is it really impossible to post the ready data to Jasper so it can use it to render the report ? I tried to do this via �parameter� tag , but it wasn�t possible ?
How do I do this ?
Has anybody used Struts together with Jasper or any other report generator ?
Thanx in advance !