I'm trying to create PDF Downloadable file through Servlet. I am trying to pass a user session attribute from JSP to Servlet but it gives me null value.
Here's my code:
I'm trying to get data from database of specific person through the user.
Lester Carmelotes wrote:I am trying to pass a user session attribute from JSP to Servlet but it gives me null value.
I don't quite understand this... how does your JSP put that attribute into the session? Without knowing that it's impossible to say much (except that apparently it isn't doing that).
Anyway your problem isn't likely to have anything to do with the fact that you plan to generate PDF output. It looks like an ordinary servlet problem to me, so let's move this thread to the Servlets forum.
Rather than saying you are getting a null value, does the exception you get tell you where? Might be useful to post the stack trace of any exception received.