Hi All
I have customized/patched java.util.CurrencyData class to add new currency in it. This new java.util.CurrencyData class works fine in my standsalone
java program for new added currency. However when I try to load this added java 6 currency class into my Websphere Portal server 6.1 instance which is runinng on top of Java 6, it is unable to recognise this newly added currency class into its "Boot Classpath" settings.
Below are the steps I am following -
1) I have added this new java.util.CurrencyData class into a new jar (extendedCurrency.jar) and placed this new jar into ${WPS_HOME}/base/extdir/extendedCurrency.jar
2) Start Websphere portal server and go to Servers > Application Servers > server_name > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine > Boot classpath and enter ${WPS_HOME}/base/extdir/extendedCurrency.jar in textbox.
3) Also go to Servers > Application Servers > server_name > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine > Generic JVM Arguments and then add -Xbootclasspath/p:${WPS_HOME}/base/extdir/extendedCurrency.jar in it.
4) save settings and restart server
After these steps also my deployed web application is not picking up the updated java.util.CurrencyData class file. Is there any restriction on what type of jars/path can be added added to Boot classpath for Websphere Server?
On below page on IBM website its mentioned that " This option is only available for JVM instructions that support bootstrap classes and resources."
What does this mean - " This option is only available for JVM instructions that support bootstrap classes and resources."??
Any help in this regard is much appreciated!!!