I wasn't sure which forum this question belongs in so here goes...
we are double encoding our rest resource parameters and
JBOSS seems to be incorrectly handling the @Encoded
here is my method, if i run it like this (using JBOSS as my web server) the parameter arrives double encoded, if I add @Encoded it arrives only singly encoded.
When i run this using glassfish with @Encoded the parameters arrive double encoded and without it they are singly encoded (which is how i think it should be)
version information
Glassfish 3.1.2
windows 7
from the JBOSS/ jax-rs pages i found
The @javax.ws.rs.Encoded annotation can be used on a class, method, or param. By default, inject @PathParam and @QueryParams are decoded. By additionally adding the @Encoded annotation, the value of these params will be provided in encoded form.
I need my code to run under both systems (and websphere when we get that working at all

) so are there any flags or settings to help with this please