I am beginning to work on the reporting aspect of my project. Specifically, I am developing a Server side Java
J2EE app using
Struts, and Tiles &
JSP for the view. I am investigating the use of JasperReports however, I am confused with the following :
For instance, if I want to display the report in one of my tiles/jsp pages that comprise my entire response, how do I do that? I have multiple jsp pages/tiles that create the app interface (menubar, navigation pane, main content, etc). Should I save the created report to a physical file and then in the jsp page display it... if so how do I do that in the jsp page? If I want to open the report in another window, instead of one of the app tiles, how is that done (does anyone have an example)? Many of the sample codes I see in the sourceforge pages seem to assume that you are only sending back one response containing the report, but how do I handle a Struts/Tiles scenario?
Any info would be of great help.