John Damien Smith wrote:> but did not solve the problem that I am having
You may want to try out the InteractiveMesh model importers:
There are numerous extensive sources of 3D models available on the internet which these importers can import into JavaFX scenes for some pretty awesome looking graphics that have high poly counts and nice texturing.
John Damien Smith wrote:> The model importers do not work.
The InteractiveMesh model importers and the FXTuxCube work fine for me (OS X 10.8, Java8b115, FXTuxCube 0.7.1, JFX3DModelImporters_EA_2013-10-31).
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh.getFaces()Ljavafx/scene/shape/ObservableFaceArray;
August Lammersdorf wrote:FXTuxCube 0.7.1, ModelBrowserJFX 0.2.2, and JFX3DModelImporters_EA_2013-10-31 require at least b113 (as stated on the web pages) and run also on b114 and b115 on all platforms, definitely.
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh.getFaces()Ljavafx/collections/ObservableIntegerArray;
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