First a big thank you to Brian Sam-Bodden and Christopher M. Judd for hanging out with us this week, answering questions. Also, thank you to Apress, for donating four copies of
Enterprise Java Development on a Budget: Leveraging Java Open Source Technologies, to our winners.
The winners are...
-Lasse Koskela
-Mary Wallace
-Ondra Babuljak
-Marilyn de Queiroz Congratulations! Please send me your preferred snail mail address and phone number by sending an email to bookpromotion AT javaranch DOT com with the subject "promotion winner - Budget J2EE" and I'll forward your information to the publisher.
Next week we're promoting two books on Portals and Velocity from Apress:
Building Portals with the Java Portlet API by Jeff Linwood and David Minter in our Web Application Frameworks forumand Pro Jakarta Velocity: From Professional to Expert by Rob Harrop in our Other Open Source Projects forum.Also, for a second and final week, we're running a product promotion for
Kodo JDO over in
our Object Relational Mapping forum. Authors Patrick Linskey and Robin Roos will be hanging out, answering questions.
The Ranch is going to be full of technical authors, hanging out and helping to answer questions!
the Book Promotions page for more information on future promotions.
[ November 08, 2004: Message edited by: Dirk Schreckmann ]