This is my problem. After I setup a sql server datasource in Websphere and
test connection, I get the ff error:
"The test connection operation failed for data source Microsoft SQL Server
JDBC Driver - DataSource on server server1 at node xyzNode03 with the following exception: java.sql.SQLException: Login failed for user 'xyzadmin'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.DSRA0010E: SQL State = S0001, Error Code = 18,452."
Websphere version:
I am connecting to: Sqlserver 2008 R2
Driver used: sqljdbc4.jar
Provider used (in WAS): Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver
I already made the the authentication setting in Enterprise manager as "SQL Server and Windows Authentication"
Still won't work. Same error happens.
Can anyone help me on this? I would appreciate any advice. Thanks :-)
By the way, this is working in Websphere 6.1 but not in 7.