Hello Rangers,
System need to show time diff in UI between 2 dates.
Date1 -> Meeting start time(Possibly any timezone date) -> Getting this date from external source
Date2 -> Current time of the meeting location -> Finding current time based on concern time zone id
Both date is base lined with GMT and manipulate the time diff. This approach is working fine if both dates fall under same period(DST or Non-DST)
E.g. Issue scenario
Date1 -> Nov-3 6AM (Non-DST)
Date2 -> Nov-3 1AM (DST)
Vice-versa as well...
Note : Server & Desktop can be located in any timezone
Surfing to obtain posible solutions. Even found similar
thread with subject "java.util.Calendar, setTime and DST" in this forum itself but couldnt get properly
There would be effective ways to calculate the time diff to handle all the scenarios. Really appreciable if anybody suggest on this.
Thanks in advance
- Raj