posted 11 years ago
Hi, I have this example of doc/lit/wrapped:
The WSDL schema is this. Obviously, it is a wrapped parameter style.
<xs:element name="increaseReq" type="tns:increaseReq"/>
<xs:element name="increaseResp" type="tns:increaseResp"/>
<xs:element name="sayHello" type="tns:sayHello"/>
<xs:element name="sayHelloResponse" type="tns:sayHelloResponse"/>
<xs:complexType name="increaseReq"><xs:sequence>
<xs:element name="arg0" type="xs:int"/>
<xs:complexType name="increaseResp">
<xs:sequence><xs:element name="return" type="xs:int"/>
But the wsimport generates an SEI but the increment method becomes a BARE.
Why the generated SEI shows a BARA parameter style for the increase (increment) method ?