Hi Ranchers, finally I took my exam and passed with a score of 96%. Made some silly mistakes though.
Like, unaware of whether mkdir() throws IOException or not, I chose Compilation error when Exception was not handled, solely based on my logical reasoning as I thought if createNewFile() can throw IOException, mkdir is kind of a similar operation, hence exception handling should also be taken care of when mkdir() is used, moreover character cannot be used for directory name, so that will be a kind of exception. Sadly this is not the case :P
So, we do have to cram each and every API details(even the ones you think would be too much to cram or the ones that are not mentioned in K&B book) included in the scope of syllabus, which I think is a bit too much.
Anyways, here's my performance on some mock tests in the order I took them:
72% on first
79% on second
Diagnostic 55% - Fail
Prac. 1 50% - Fail
Prac. 2 63% - Passed
Prac. 3 68% - Passed
Prac. 4 63% - Passed
Final 58% - Fail //this final score was surely a let down :P
I'm not sure of my performance on CertPal, as I was still in preparatory stage when I took those mock
test, so comparing my performance on CertPal with the real test score wouldn't justify the comparison done.
What I can say for sure(because I took
ExamLab mock test when I thought I was fully prepared for the exam) is that you'll definitely get a good score if you're scoring around 60% on ExamLab, though the questions are a lot easier on the real exam, which is a know fact here on ranch. Easier in the sense that ExamLab will help you learn many new concepts which could be helpful in the real exam that will make the real exam easier.
I didn't encounter a single serialization question on the test, though I prepared for it.
Questions on threads were really easy. These were the only questions I was afraid of, but got all correct
Thanks everyone for helping me out with stupid/or good doubts I had. Hope this feedback would help people preparing for the exam