posted 10 years ago
Hi all,
I have a situation wherein I have to disable/dynamically load plugins based on the selected perspective. The problem is i want to integrate a tool (lets say x) of two versions 1.0 and 2.0 in eclipse.
Both versions of tool have the same base plugins. I was able to integrate them successfully. But the problem started when selecting the perspective(X_1.0 is one perspective & x_2.0 is other).
I have some options like say Create a new use case/localize a new use case etc.. under each perspective.
When i select the perspective i am getting the above mentioned options twice..
I know eclipse by default will load all the plugins in its kitty but somehow i need to customize this.
I am using eclipse juno version and for simplicity lets assume my tool used 3 plugins(Plugins p1,p2,p3). I was able to integrate both the versions of the tool after changing the plugin ID's.
Basically when i select one of the perspective(X_1.0/X_2.0) , only those plugins(set of 3) for that particular perspective should be loaded.
Can this be achieved? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I googled and was not able to get much information in this regard.
Please suggest me how to proceed in this regard.
Thanks a lot for your time.