I have to create a web based module in
java. Exisiting ones are using very old model 1 architecture. I am looking at various frameworks to find out which one would be suitable. Some of the requirements :
New module would
1.Interact with third party java components to retrieve data from mainframe
2.It should work on most of browsers, minimum of IE 4.0 and NN 4.7
3.Current module is using only form and table tags. New one also can just use them alone.
4.Note that I dont have any experience in any framework.
I hope, my requirements are clear. I would appreciate , if someone can suggest me a suitable open source framework for this.
Currently, I am looking at feasibility of Tapestry for this module and I am very surprised not to see any discussions on Tapestry for last few months. Am I missing out anything here?
Thanks & Regards,