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Paul Clapham wrote:Well, I have to say that I read that three times and still didn't understand it. Is this Aereo thing something I could subscribe to and they would run a wire into my house from somewhere?
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Other Certs: SCEA Part 1, Part 2 & 3, Core Spring 3, TOGAF part 1 and part 2
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Other Certs: SCEA Part 1, Part 2 & 3, Core Spring 3, TOGAF part 1 and part 2
An alternative to a physical antenna is Aereo but I’ve heard it isn’t easy to set up while using Time Warner. It’s also $8 month after the trial ends. Which is fine if you are replacing cable but isn’t the best temporary addition. As of April, Aereo was deemed legal. Last month an exec at TIme Warner said “if [Aereo] is found legal, we could conceivably use similar technology. Which means even without another legal challenge, it may become better integrated into cable. Maybe a little antenna in the cable box? [Personally, I've always found it silly that cable companies had to pay for something that is free over the air.]
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Other Certs: SCEA Part 1, Part 2 & 3, Core Spring 3, TOGAF part 1 and part 2
There are only two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors
fred rosenberger wrote:opinion analysis
However, the Court went to some lengths to show that it was issuing only a narrow ruling. It said it was dealing, at this point, only with Aereo’s system so far as it enabled its viewers to view copyrighted TV programs “live,” or after only a brief delay. Justice Breyer stressed that the decision said nothing about downloading a TV program in order to recover it and keep it on hand for somewhat later viewing.
In oral arguments in the case in April, the justices had expressed concern that a ruling against Aereo would stifle technological innovation. Justice Breyer took pains on Wednesday to say the decision was limited to Aereo’s service. “We believe that resolution of questions about cloud computing, remote storage DVRs and other novel matters not now before us should await a case in which they are clearly presented.”
Justice Antonin Scalia said the service had identified a loophole in the law. “It is not the role of this court to identify and plug loopholes,” he wrote.
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Other Certs: SCEA Part 1, Part 2 & 3, Core Spring 3, TOGAF part 1 and part 2