posted 10 years ago
Hi Team,
I have built simple struts2 based websites but have never come across such a problem. There are basically two actions in my struts.xml.
The "customer-form" action just displays a web-form (customer.jsp) to add customer name,age,email and telephone. There is a submit button as well on this page but clicking
I am using simple tiles and the baselayout.jsp uses css.
Code for customer.jsp
The problem is that on clicking submit button "customer" action does not get called. Clicking on it just calls the same action "customer-form"....I have tried adding action on the submit button itself but the same thing happens.
Here is my struts.xml
Sometimes I get the javascript error although I have not defined any javascript in my application.
Rquest you to please suggest what could be the probable reasons for this.
Please suggest.