I am facing issue when I setmodal=true for first Jdialog and setmodal=false for second Jdialog
Below is the functionality I am trying to implement
1)On click of
Test the dialog! button, JDialog with name Custom Dialog Main will open.
2)Click "yes" in JDialog with name Custom Dialog Main, Another JDialog with name CustomDialog Search will open
3)Click "yes" in JDialog with name CustomDialog Search, JDialog with name Custom Dialog Main should come front.
4)And I should be able to select any JDialog[For example if I select JDialog with name CustomDialog Search, the other Dialog should go back and vice versa ]
Problem I am facing is When I Click "yes" in JDialog with name Custom Dialog Main, the JDialog with name CustomDialog Search is displayed behind the Main Jdialog.
This is happening because I am setting setmodal=false for CustomDialogSearch.
If I setmodal=true CustomDialogSearch it is displayed correctly but after I click yes CustomDialog Main doesn't come front.
I even tried to set CustomDialogSearch's parent to be CustomDialog still the behaviour is not correct
Below is the example code I am testing