Sterling Crapser wrote:
In 2008 at our annual IT Initiatives meeting, one of the VP's stood before all of us and announced the company was beginning a project that year to move all applications over to Java. She specifically stated that all of us working with PowerBuilder or Visual Basic should not worry...that training would be provided. Then the economy tanked as we all know.
Three years later, in 2011 I was finally sent to an introductory 5-day seminar for Java. It was one of those sessions that companies send their people to (like Learning Tree for example). You sit and listen to some guy walk through a PowerPoint presentation reading the bullets on each slide. It's not really training...more like an overview and in my opinion a complete waste of time and money. I read the "Head First Java" book afterwards and got much more out of that then the seminar provided. After completing this "training" I was not given any assignments for the next 2-1/2 years.
Then in July of last year (2013) I was informed I was going to yet another training seminar (this one was 4-days) and upon my return I would be given a Java assignment. The course was for intermediate level Java programmers and focused primarily on JSP and servlets. The assignment I was given was to parse a 3 gig + XML file using a StAX parser. A contractor had already developed a set of methods that parsed some of the data in the file using extensive hard-coding. They wanted me to develop an approach that would make the Java process data-driven. I would be doing this in a Weblogic11g environment using Eclipse.
Now, all of this was pretty much brand new to me. I was surprised they were basically throwing me into the deep end of the pool. I was not given any real resources except to be able to ask other developers in the company questions and watch videos on (which there are not many of for Java). So in order to meet the deadline I told them I would have to extend the existing code because there was too much for me to learn and get on top of to deliver the data-driven approach. In February of this year I had my annual review. It was rated less then satisfactory primarily because I was not able to complete the Java project as originally requested and being a few days late with some of the unit testing during the end-of-year holidays. I was characterized as, "having difficulty understanding Java concepts". They still want me to work on this project but I have not had any more new code to write since January 1st and have been given a lot of other work to do that has nothing to do with Java development.
No more Blub for me, thank you, Vicar.
Jayesh A Lalwani wrote:Right. This is the most challenging part of being a programmer. Having to stay on top of ever changing technology. It's a lot like trying to stay up on a log rolling on water. You are running just to stay upright. So, if you are thinking of getting into programming, be prepared to do a lot of running. The good thing is that after you run on a rolling log for 5-10 years, staying up on a rolling log becomes second nature to you.
Part of this is the fault of the industry itself. "Software engineering" is a new branch of engineering. We are still figuring out the tools and processes. Also, the industry is made up of inventors. Everybody keeps inventing new stuff, which means you need to keep learning about new inventions.
Henry Wong wrote:As for savaging your career ... Your focus should be savaging the project.
Joanne Neal wrote:
Henry Wong wrote:As for savaging your career ... Your focus should be savaging the project.
Savaging ??
Sterling Crapser wrote:
Jayesh A Lalwani wrote:Right. This is the most challenging part of being a programmer. Having to stay on top of ever changing technology. It's a lot like trying to stay up on a log rolling on water. You are running just to stay upright. So, if you are thinking of getting into programming, be prepared to do a lot of running. The good thing is that after you run on a rolling log for 5-10 years, staying up on a rolling log becomes second nature to you.
Part of this is the fault of the industry itself. "Software engineering" is a new branch of engineering. We are still figuring out the tools and processes. Also, the industry is made up of inventors. Everybody keeps inventing new stuff, which means you need to keep learning about new inventions.
What you are saying here has been right under my nose all along. I'm still reeling from the epiphany of it. I know other professions require their member base to engage in continuing education to remain "current" with new technologies and discoveries (the medical profession is a good example). But with IT, this seems to be the same requirement on steroids. As much as I feel like a fool, I need to get past that, hunker down so to speak and roll up my sleeves. I do look forward to the "second nature" part. I've certainly done that in other areas of my life. Thanks
Jayesh A Lalwani wrote:Part of this is the fault of the industry itself. "Software engineering" is a new branch of engineering. We are still figuring out the tools and processes. Also, the industry is made up of inventors. Everybody keeps inventing new stuff, which means you need to keep learning about new inventions.
Software engineer John Pultorak worked 4 years to build a replica of the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC), just so he could have one. And then he wrote a complete manual and put it online so that anyone else with similar aspirations wouldn’t have to go through the same painstaking research as he did. The manual is available free, but Pultorak says he spent about $3,000 for the hardware.
Read more:
Roger Sterling wrote:
Jayesh A Lalwani wrote:Part of this is the fault of the industry itself. "Software engineering" is a new branch of engineering. We are still figuring out the tools and processes. Also, the industry is made up of inventors. Everybody keeps inventing new stuff, which means you need to keep learning about new inventions.
What are you talking about? Software engineering has been around since the 1960s. The computer that Apollo 11 used had software written by Engineers.
Henry Wong wrote:
Roger Sterling wrote:
Jayesh A Lalwani wrote:Part of this is the fault of the industry itself. "Software engineering" is a new branch of engineering. We are still figuring out the tools and processes. Also, the industry is made up of inventors. Everybody keeps inventing new stuff, which means you need to keep learning about new inventions.
What are you talking about? Software engineering has been around since the 1960s. The computer that Apollo 11 used had software written by Engineers.
Perhaps... but software engineering as an accredited field did not exist -- back in the early 80's, when I went to college. Back then, if you wanted to do computers and engineering, the best route was getting a degree in electrical engineering.
For me, I found chemistry more interesting, so got my degree in Chemical Engineering.
Roger Sterling wrote:So much drama. Why is it so hard to own your own career? The company you work for is interested in making money. It is not in business to train you. Take ownership of your own destiny and quit feeling sorry for yourself...
No more Blub for me, thank you, Vicar.
Roger Sterling wrote:
The Software Engineering Institute hosted by Carnegie Mellon University was established in 1984 at the request of the Department of Defense. The Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute (SEI) is a federally funded research and development center headquartered on the campus of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. SEI also has offices in Arlington, Virginia, and Frankfurt, Germany. The SEI operates with major funding from the U.S. Department of Defense. The SEI also works closely with industry and academia through research collaborations. Kansas State University's Software Engineering curricula began in 1974.
No more Blub for me, thank you, Vicar.
chris webster wrote:@Sterling:
Just had a thought about your software "challenge":
This is a huge XML file and I'm guessing the data you're actually interested in is probably a fraction of the total volume, because XML is horribly bloated to begin with...
Paul Clapham wrote:
chris webster wrote:@Sterling:
Just had a thought about your software "challenge":
This is a huge XML file and I'm guessing the data you're actually interested in is probably a fraction of the total volume, because XML is horribly bloated to begin with...
Chris, this problem was part of a very long thread sometime last year. It's over here if you want to have a look: but it has had no posts for about four months now.
Sterling Crapser wrote:I ended up merely extending the existing Java code to parse the data into a single table that was already in use. In effect, it became a huge copy and paste job with lots of hard-coding.
Paul Clapham wrote:Yeah, I recognize that style of design. Unfortunately when you're working with integrating other people's data and other people's data formats into your system it's very hard to avoid that. You can try to produce generalized code (and we did) but don't expect to have too much success. Even with standard input formats used by multiple business partners you'll find that different organizations will interpret the data items differently, so you're right back to hard-coding again.
As for your career problem, I was a management consultant for ten years. It took me that long to notice that everybody else was getting promoted but I wasn't. It hadn't occurred to me that part of the consultant's job was to bring in new business, and nobody had specifically told me that. But after I finally wised up I got out of there and started as a programmer with one of our clients. Fortunately I was only in my thirties at the time, and fortunately I had a job opportunity waiting for me.
No more Blub for me, thank you, Vicar.
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