posted 10 years ago
I'm not sure what the best way to phrase the question I have is. I'm trying to create a weekly planner with 7 columns for each day and 24 rows in each column for each hour of the day. I want to be able to insert events into a table cell for each hour. If possible, I also want to be able to change the color of the cell while creating the event. I'd love to be able to do so that I could fill only half the column for a half-hour event, but that's probably not realistic. My functioning code is below. It's basically just the table with the ability to change themes through switching css stylesheets.
I've had partial successes with getting data I input into forms to stay there, but I usually end up losing a value in the process. Consequently, I've stripped it back down to the basic framework. All I need to know is hot to fill in a single cell the way I want to. I'm sure I'll be able to extrapolate from that.
In case you missed the disclaimers, I had a lot of help from CSS Table Generator and the site wizard. I'm obviously not that good if I can't solve something like this, which I'm pretty sure seems trivial to most people here.