What is the source of the data?
Is it text or binary?
How is it structured?
How would it be used?
What is the volume of data to be saved?
If there were multiple data sets, how would the user determine which one to use?
Would it ever need to be shared with other applications?
Would it ever leave the device?
Mike Riesen wrote:3. One of the problems I'm having is trying to figure out how the user will determine which data set to use (I pictured a dialog with listView populated somehow via getSharedPreferences() if i keep using sharedprefs)
4. Should be very small file size, but technically there's not preset maximum on the number of values being stored. As it's written now, 6 key value pairs = 1 strum of a guitar, and this is intended to store the values of an entire song.
I have a Map<Integer, Integer> that I send to Bundle , that map stores a view id as the key and a resource id as the value. when save is selected it moves all that to a sharedpref.
You could also use a fixed UI, instead of having to rebuild the image buttons in code, you could use an XML file...
Mike Riesen wrote:
You could also use a fixed UI, instead of having to rebuild the image buttons in code, you could use an XML file...
The only thing stopping me from doing that is I don't know how to account for the length of a song. if I limit it to 100 beats or even 1000 I think that might become problematic. I'm not particularly a fan of all the dynamic UI creation I have going on either.
While we're on it, I know that when we use ids like "R.drawable.Position1" that it will return the respective int, is it possible to do the reverse? Maybe I could store the string instead... or maybe that's what you're saying and I'm being dense.
In my last post, I also when a few steps further by suggesting you collapse all the finger positions you need for a single chord into one line keyed to chord, so instead of the file looking like what I posted in the first code snippet, the same chord might look like this:
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