What is new in this release?
We are pleased to announce the new release of
Aspose.Email for Java 4.0.0 . This release not only fixes the issues that our customers reported for the previous version, but also include a number of enhancements as well. Aspose.Email for
Java already supported creating, saving and updating an Outlook Task. Microsoft Outlook allows adding reminder information to the created task which then triggers at the specified time and reminds the user for the activity. This month’s release of Aspose.Email for Java further enhances the MapiTask properties by providing support for adding reminder information to the created task. This includes setting reminder time for the task, specifying the audible file name that is played as reminder and reading reminder information from a MapiTask. Aspose.Email provides vast variety of operations when it comes to work with Personal Storage (PST) files. Talking about the list of items that can be added to a PST file, it already supports adding messages, tasks, journal and notes to the PST file. This month’s release introduces a new feature of adding files to a PST folder in addition to the above mentioned Outlook items. Similar to Outlook, our API now allows to adding files to a PST and that too without installing Microsoft Outlook. In addition to the enhancements, this month’s release also includes a number of bug fixes related to message encoding, message attachments, message conversions to other formats and PST. The main improved features & bug fixes added in this release are listed below
- Add any files (not only messages) to PST same like Microsoft Outlook.
- Implement search of messages or folders in the PST file on certain criteria
- Possibility to produce MHT files that use the 7-bit encoding format
- Adding Reminder information to MapiTask
- On Behalf of now displayed in conversion to mhtml
- EML to XPS, Time displayed in GMT
- PR_BODY garbled when EML converted to MSG
- PR_BODY lost is fixed when MSG converted from EML is dragged to Outlook
- Embedded Attachment Name is now retrieved using ImapClient
- Issue is resolved with TNEF format
- Incorrect conversion is fixed from EML to MSG.
- Attachment Name now read by latest version of Aspose.Email API
- EML to MSG: Saved MSG can now be opened in Outlook
- HTML body lost is fixed during EML to MSG conversion
- EML to MHTML: Attachment name absent is resolved in output
- Setting Html body in Outlook mapi message now working with latest version
- EML to PST: Messages are now visible in Outlook
- Adding files to PST
Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release.
Newly added documentation pages and articles
Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Email for Java documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Email for performing different tasks like the followings.
- Adding Files to PST
- Creating, Saving and Reading Outlook Tasks
Overview:Aspose.Email for Java
Aspose.Email for Java is a Non-Graphical Java component that enables Java applications to read and write Microsoft Outlook documents without utilizing Microsoft Outlook. It enables developers to create new MSG file from scratch, update an existing MSG file, read Outlook MSG file & get it's properties like subject, body, recipients in to, cc and bcc, Adding or removing attachment, sender information and MAPI properties. Aspose.Email for Java can be used with Web as well as Desktop Application.
More about Aspose.Email for Java
- Homepage of
Outlook PST, MSG & EML Java Component, Aspose.Email for Java
- Download Aspose.Email for Java
- Online documentation of Aspose.Email for Java
- Demos of Aspose.Email for Java
Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd,
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Aspose - Your File Format Experts
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465