Here is what I'm trying to do using arrays.
gather sales amount for the week
display the total of sales
display the average of sale
display the highest sale amount
display the lowest sale amount
using occurrences determine how many times the amount occurred for the week
make a sales main
make a sales data
This is what i have so far but I'm confused on how to start the occurrence and where it would be placed in order to get the information from the array
public class SalesData
private double[] sales; // The sales data
The constructor copies the elements in
an array to the sales array.
@param s The array to copy.
public SalesData(double[] s)
// Create an array as large as s.
sales = new double[s.length];
// Copy the elements from s to sales.
for (int index = 0; index < s.length; index++)
sales[index] = s[index];
getTotal method
@return The total of the elements in
the sales array.
public double getTotal()
double total = 0.0; // Accumulator
// Accumulate the sum of the elements
// in the sales array.
for (int index = 0; index < sales.length; index++)
total += sales[index];
// Return the total.
return total;
getAverage method
@return The average of the elements
in the sales array.
public double getAverage()
return getTotal() / sales.length;
getHighest method
@return The highest value stored
in the sales array.
public double getHighest()
double highest = sales[0];
for (int index = 1; index < sales.length; index++)
if (sales[index] > highest)
highest = sales[index];
return highest;
getLowest method
@returns The lowest value stored
in the sales array.
public double getLowest()
double lowest = sales[0];
for (int index = 1; index < sales.length; index++)
if (sales[index] < lowest)
lowest = sales[index];
return lowest;
public class Sales
public static void main(
String[] args)
final int ONE_WEEK = 7; // Number of elements
// Create an array to hold sales amounts for a week.
double[] sales = new double[ONE_WEEK];
// Get the week's sales figures.
// Create a SalesData object, initialized
// with the week's sales figures.
SalesData week = new SalesData(sales);
// Create a DecimalFormat object.
DecimalFormat dollar = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.00");
// Display the total, average, highest, and lowest
// sales amounts for the week.
"The total sales were $" +
dollar.format(week.getTotal()) +
"\nThe average sales were $" +
dollar.format(week.getAverage()) +
"\nThe highest sales were $" +
dollar.format(week.getHighest()) +
"\nThe lowest sales were $" +
The getValues method asks the user to enter sales
amounts for each element of an array.
@param array The array to store the values in.
private static void getValues(double[] array)
String input; // To hold user input.
// Get sales for each day of the week.
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter " +
"the sales for day " + (i + 1) + ".");
array[i] = Double.parseDouble(input);